
This “No Bake Biscuit Cake” is very easy to make and tastes so DELICIOUS!!!  My sister-in-law Natasha shared this fabulous recipe with me. 
There is no baking involved at all. 

DSC_008mainServes 8-10

15 oz (about 450 grams) Maria or Marie cookies
7 oz Vanilla Meringues (I bought from Trader Joe’s)
2 cups toasted Hazelnuts
1.5 cans Dulche de Leche (cooked condensed milk)
2 sticks butter- room temperature, unsalted
1Tbsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. Rum (any)

Chocolate Glaze:
1/2 cup melting chocolate
1/3 stick butter
1 Tbsp. Heavy cream
Sprinkles, shaved chocolate, or toasted nuts

***Substitutes for Maria cookies
– Russian cookies (Milk Biscuits, Korovka- Pechenie Toplionoye Moloko) (my favorite for this recipe)korovka
– Digestive biscuits
– American graham crackers
– British rich tea biscuits




Line the bottom and sides of two bread loaf pans with plastic wrap, leaving an overhang so it will be easy to remove the finished cake.
To make the cake, with your hands break up the biscuits into 1/2 inch pieces; (make sure you don’t break them too small.)
Cut each meringue into 5-6 pieces. Coarsely chop toasted hazelnuts. Combine chopped cookies, meringues and hazelnuts in a large bowl. Set aside.

Beat butter with electric mixer until it’s fluffy. Add in cooked condensed milk, vanilla and rum. Beat on medium speed for about 5-7 minutes or until it’s gets creamy.
Add filling into the bowl with cookies and meringues and with your hands mix well until they are all combined. (we want all the dry ingredients to get well coated).

*** This cake can be made in many different shapes.  I’ve done it in two bread loaf pans, or one circle and one small loaf pan, or one big rectangle cake, whichever you prefer.
Spread the cake mixture into the bottom of the pan, pressing down with wooden spoon and make sure it reaches into the corners and edges. Refrigerate for couple hours or overnight.

To remove the cake from pan, pull up the plastic wrap and lift cake out. Transfer on to a serving platter.
For the Chocolate Glaze: In top of a double boiler over hot water, combine the chocolate, cream and butter. Stir until melted and completely combined. Remove from heat and let cool about 2 minutes. ***You defiantly can microwave it. (Every 30 seconds mix well and don’t overheat)
Pour the glaze on top of the cake, allowing the glaze to drip down and coat the sides.

Decorate with shaved chocolate and some hazelnuts if desired.
Serve with hot tea.