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Moms cookies 3

Mom’s Sprits Cookies are my favorite cookies since I was a child.  Mom used to make big bowl of them. Lot of my fondest childhood memories are usually food-related, no surprise there. They are very simple to make, in one bowl and in 30 minutes you can have a warm stack of cookies to enjoy with your tea.

Moms cookies

175gr (3/4 cup) butter

75gr (1/4 cup) margarine

1 cup sugar
3 eggs
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Beat the butter, margarine and sugar for couple minutes. Gradually add eggs, one a time.

Add Vanilla extract

In a separate bowl mixt together flour and baking powder.

Slowly add in the flour mixture. Knead until you have a smooth dough ball. Put in refrigerator for an hour.





Preheat oven to 400 F

Use a meat grinder with a special attachment to your meat grinder to form the cookies (see picture) It does not fit Kitchen Aid,

2 Piece Cookie Maker Kit

(you can order one here: and press light golden color for about 20 minutes. Once they are done baking sprinkle with sugar powder.

Store in an air tight container.  I would say they will last for up to a week, but they never actually last that long to find out.

Moms cookies 4

Serve with tea.