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chicken sauce with gravy mix m

Quick and easy Chicken sauce with gravy mix.  I got this recipe 15 years ago when my sister in-law Tanya joined our family. It was a HUGE hit!.. and still is! Serve this creamy delicious chicken sauce over your cooked pasta. This recipe is defiantly a keeper!!!

chicken sauce with gravy mix


3 Tbsp. butter

2 cups whole milk

2 cups chicken stock or water

Salt and black pepper to taste

¼ spoon of cayenne pepper (optional)

2 lb. chicken thighs ( boneless, skinless)

8 Tbsp. chicken gravy mix (I get mine from Winco in bulk section)

1 bell pepper

1 cup fresh peas ( frozen) or chopped green onions

1 lb. pasta – of your favorite choice


Cut chicken into ¾ – 1 inch squares. Clean and cut bell pepper into small squares.  In a separate bowl mix 2 cups of chicken stock or water with gravy mix until well blended and set aside.

Cook your pasta according to the package direction.

Heat a pot over a medium heat; add butter and let it melt.  Add chicken squares and saute for 7-8 minutes. Add bell pepper and saute for another 3-4 minutes.

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Add milk and gravy mixture. Season with salt, black and cayenne peppers; bring it to a boil, lower the heat and let it simmer for 8-10 minutes. The sauce will thicken as it cooks. If the sauce is too thick, add some more chicken stock or water to reach your desired sauce consistency.

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Serve over cooked pasta. Top with fresh green peas or green onions.

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