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Eggplant with Sweet and Spicy Garlic Sauce

This Eggplant with Sweet and Chili Garlic Sauce is super easy to make and yet it’s very delicious.

It could be served as an appetizer with fresh homemade bread, salad, or side dish.

Eggplant with Sweet and Spicy Garlic Sauce 3

2 medium sized eggplants
2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed

1 cup Sweet and Chili sauce
Salt and pepper
1/4 bunch parsley, chopped
oil for frying

Peel off strips of the eggplant’s skin so that only about half of the skin is left on. Cut them into 2 inch strips about 1/2 inch thick.

Pour some frying oil into deep frying pan; heat on high heat. (to test if the oil is ready, drop little eggplant piece into the oil, and if it starts bubbling, the oil is ready for frying). Carefully place 1/4 of the eggplants into the hot frying pan. (you will fry all the eggplants in four batches). Fry until eggplants are golden brown on each side.

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Take out the eggplants and place them on a plate covered with pepper towel. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and some crushed garlic. Finish frying all the eggplants.

Get a platter or smaller casserole dish and pour 2-3 tablespoons of sweet and chili sauce at the bottom of the dish. Then arrange one layer of eggplants.

Continue to layer ingredients until finished and all the eggplant get coated with the sauce. Sprinkle with fresh herbs.

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