Skazka cake is an extremely moist and delicious Russian cake. The Orange liqueur gives it an exceptionally rich and unique flavor. It is wonderfully complemented when served with tea as an after-dinner treat.


Servings: 8-10
Ingredients for cake:
8 eggs
¾ cup sugar
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Ingredients for Cream:
3 sticks of butter at room temperature
1/2 cup sugar
4 egg yolks
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp. Orange Liqueur
Ingredients for Syrup
3/4 cup water
1/2 Tbsp. Orange Liqueur
1/2 cup sugar
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
On high speed beat the eggs with sugar for 6-7 minutes. Carefully add the flour and the vanilla extract, fold in slowly so the batter stays fluffy.
Spray a baking dish (I used 13 in by 9 in) with cooking spray. Transfer the batter into the baking dish and bake for 25-30 minutes. Check if the cake is ready with a tooth pick, if nothing sticks to it, it is done.
Directions for cream:
In a saucepan mix egg yolks, milk and sugar- on low heat bring to a boil.  Simmer for 5 minutes, mix frequently.  Turn off the heat and let it cool completely.
On medium to high speed beat the butter with liqueur. It will get fluffy.  Slowly pour in the cooled egg mixture, beat for another 2 minutes.
Directions for syrup:
Mix water with sugar and Liqueur until sugar dissolves.
Assembling the cake:
Cut the sponge cake in 3 same layers.  Spray all 3 layers evenly with syrup.
Place one cake layer on a flat dish spread 1/4 of a cream on cake layer.
Then take another cake layer and place it on top of the creamed layer cake. Repeat this for the third layer.
Set aside 2 Tbsp. of cream and add desired food colorings for decoration.
For rest of the cream add 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder and mix it well, apply that cream to the top and sides of the cake.
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