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Another family favorite. This is a great dish; Peppers stuffed with ground beef, rice, vegetables and baked in a seasoned tomato-cream sauce.
My grandma and mom have been making these since I was a little girl. Here is the recipe with my own little twist to it.

Serves (8-10)

10 large bell peppers (any color-red, green, yellow)
2 lbs. ground beef
2 cups rice, uncooked
4 cups water or chicken broth
1 medium yellow onion-finely minced
1 cup grated carrots
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. tomato paste
1 tsp. ground black pepper
1 tsp. sweet paprika
1 tsp. ground cumin
Salt to taste
1 bay leaf
3 Tbsp. olive oil
1/2 cup tomato sauce
1/2 cup Sour Cream
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
Italian Parsley and sour cream for garnish
Rinse peppers and cut stem and top off, removing the seeds from the inside.
In a large pot heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onions, carrots, and garlic and sauté until softened, but not browned, 2-3 minutes. Add ground meat and mix well; Sauté for additional 3-5 minutes. Add uncooked rice, tomato paste, bay leaf, salt, black pepper, paprika, and cumin mix well. Pour water and bring to a boil and then quickly lower to a gentle simmer. Stir occasionally for about 7-8 minutes. Remove from the heat and leave untouched for 5 to 10 minutes.  Transfer mixture in to a big bowl, mix well and let it cool.
When cool enough to handle, fill peppers with rice mixture, mounding top slightly, and place uncut side down in a large deep baking pan. (Can be made up to 1 day ahead to this point.)
In the separate bowl mix tomato sauce, chicken broth and sour cream; pour the liquid mixture into the bottom of the pan with stuffed peppers.
Cover with foil and bake at 375 degrees for 90 minutes. Half-way through baking (at 45 minutes) remove the foil, spoon the sauce from the baking dish over the peppers. When they are ready, place peppers on a serving platter, spoon sauce on top from the baking pan, sprinkle with fresh dill and serve.
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