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Brocoli sald 2

A quick and easy broccoli salad with the addition of cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, cranberry and almonds. The best part is that it can be prepared the day prior to serving; It tastes better after it sits overnight, which allows the flavors to marinate together… This salad can be perfect as a side dish or if you’re looking for a different way to make broccoli.


1/2 Head broccoli (or about 2 cups)

1/2 Head cauliflower (or about 2 cups)

3 Turkey bacon slices – cooked, crumbled- optional

16oz. Cherry tomatoes- cut in half

1/2 cup chopped almonds or cashew nuts

3/4 Cranberry – dry



3/4 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup condensed milk

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tsp. poppy seeds- optional


Second option for the dressing:

3/4 cup mayonnaise

1 cup Poppy Seed Dressing from LightHouse

Salt and Pepper to taste



In a small bowl, whisk the mayonnaise, condensed milk, poppy seeds, salt and pepper.

Cut the broccoli and cauliflower into bite size florets.

In a large bowl combine broccoli, cauliflower, almonds or cashew nuts and tomatoes; add dressing and toss gently so all the vegetables get  coated. Garnish with bacon just before serving.

Brocoli sald 1
