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Pastry hornsMain


























Cream Horns- YES, that fancy looking sweet treat is buttery, flaky filled with the rich, velvety and delicious vanilla filling.

Makes 40
*Special Equipment – Cream Horn Molds (metal cones)
2 sheets frozen puff pastry, thawed
3/4 can of sweetened condensed milk
1 stick of butter at room temperature
1 of package of cream cheese
8 oz. frozen cool whip
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 380F. Line 2 baking sheets with non-stick baking paper.
Work with one pastry sheet at-a-time keeping the remaining sheet of pastry in the refrigerator until you are ready to cut (it is best to keep puff pastry as cold as possible and also to work quickly).  Transfer sheet of pastry to a lightly floured work surface.  Dust lightly with flour. Using a rolling pin slightly flatten your puff pastry; but not too thin. With pizza cutter, cut the puff pastry sheet into 3/4 inch ribbons.
Beginning at the tip of the mold, wind the pastry ribbon around the mold, overlapping the layers of pastry slightly to cover the mold.  . Don’t take the pastry too close to the open end of the horn mold, as it will puff over the edge while cooking, making it difficult to remove.
Transfer pastry lined mold to prepared baking sheets (seam side down), leaving plenty of space between them.  Repeat with remaining strips. Beat one egg in a small bowl and brush using the brush apply on horns, sprinkle with sugar. Bake one sheet of pastry horns at-a-time until golden, 19 to 20 minutes.  (Do not open oven door in the first 15 minutes of baking.)
Remove from the oven and allow pastry horns to cool for a minute and then carefully slide the cases off the molds by a gentle twisting motion; put on a wire rack to cool completely. Repeat with remaining pastry sheet.
Meanwhile, you can prepare the filling. On medium to high speed beat the condensed milk with the butter. It will thicken and might look like frosting.
Next add the cream cheese one spoonful at a time so there are no lumps in the cream. Once the cheese cream is blended in, turn mixer down to low and stir in vanilla and cool whip.
Transfer filling mixture into a pastry bag fitted with large plain or star tip.
Work with one pastry horn at-a-time, insert pastry tip into pastry horn and pipe filling to fill.
Serve immediately.
***Note – To keep pastry horns crisp, do not fill them until ready to serve.  Pastry horns will become soggy if filled too early.
